Not all cotton we use can be labelled 'Organic' as its not always possible for farmers to get the (expensive and sometimes corrupt) certification. In the modern world most cotton grown is from a narrow group of types driven by industrial insistance on consistency - while local and heirloom varieties have been pushed out. While these cannot be called 'Organic' they're much more powerful to us.
- Sundae Jacket - Wobbly Waffle
Sold out - Sundae Jacket - Mud Check Handloom
Sold out - Easy Beanie - Frog$103.00
- Easy Beanie - Rosewood$103.00
- Tuesday Jacket - Indigo Handloom$502.00
- Yanam Jacket - Indigo Handloom
Sold out - Yanam Jacket - Brown Indigo Waffle
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